Implementation of a generative agent that can learn and form new memories over time. It extends the BaseChain class, which is a generic sequence of calls to components, including other chains.


const tommie: GenerativeAgent = new GenerativeAgent(
new OpenAI({ temperature: 0.9, maxTokens: 1500 }),
new GenerativeAgentMemory(
new ChatOpenAI(),
new TimeWeightedVectorStoreRetriever({
vectorStore: new MemoryVectorStore(new OpenAIEmbeddings()),
otherScoreKeys: ["importance"],
k: 15,
{ reflectionThreshold: 8 },
name: "Tommie",
age: 25,
traits: "anxious, likes design, talkative",
status: "looking for a job",

await tommie.addMemory(
"Tommie remembers his dog, Bruno, from when he was a kid",
new Date(),
const summary = await tommie.getSummary({ forceRefresh: true });
const response = await tommie.generateDialogueResponse(
"USER says Hello Tommie, how are you today?",




llm: BaseLanguageModel<any, BaseLanguageModelCallOptions>
longTermMemory: GenerativeAgentMemory
name: string
status: string
traits: string
verbose: boolean
age?: number
memory?: BaseMemory


  • get inputKeys(): string[]
  • Returns string[]

  • get outputKeys(): string[]
  • Returns string[]


  • Adds a memory to the agent's long-term memory.


    • memoryContent: string

      The content of the memory to add.

    • Optional now: Date

      Optional current date.

    • Optional metadata: Record<string, unknown>

      Optional metadata for the memory.

    • Optional callbacks: Callbacks

      Optional Callbacks instance.

    Returns Promise<ChainValues>

    The result of adding the memory to the agent's long-term memory.

  • Call the chain on all inputs in the list


    • inputs: ChainValues[]
    • Optional config: (BaseCallbackConfig | Callbacks)[]

    Returns Promise<ChainValues[]>

  • Run the core logic of this chain and add to output if desired.

    Wraps _call and handles memory.


    • values: ChainValues & {
          signal?: AbortSignal;
          timeout?: number;
    • Optional config: BaseCallbackConfig | Callbacks
    • Optional tags: string[]


    Returns Promise<ChainValues>

  • Creates a new LLMChain with the given prompt and the agent's language model, verbosity, output key, and memory.


    • prompt: PromptTemplate<any, any>

      The prompt to use for the LLMChain.

    Returns LLMChain<string, LLMType>

    A new LLMChain instance.

  • Computes the agent's summary by summarizing the agent's core characteristics given the agent's relevant memories.


    • Optional runManager: CallbackManagerForChainRun

      Optional CallbackManagerForChainRun instance.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The computed summary as a string.

  • Generates a dialogue response to the given observation.


    • observation: string

      The observation to generate a dialogue response for.

    • Optional now: Date

      Optional current date.

    Returns Promise<[boolean, string]>

    A boolean indicating whether to continue the dialogue and the output string.

  • Generates a reaction to the given observation.


    • observation: string

      The observation to generate a reaction for.

    • Optional now: Date

      Optional current date.

    Returns Promise<[boolean, string]>

    A boolean indicating whether to continue the dialogue and the output string.

  • Extracts the action of the given entity from the given observation.


    • observation: string

      The observation to extract the action from.

    • entityName: string

      The name of the entity to extract the action for.

    • Optional runManager: CallbackManagerForChainRun

      Optional CallbackManagerForChainRun instance.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The extracted action as a string.

  • Extracts the observed entity from the given observation.


    • observation: string

      The observation to extract the entity from.

    • Optional runManager: CallbackManagerForChainRun

      Optional CallbackManagerForChainRun instance.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The extracted entity as a string.

  • Returns a full header of the agent's status, summary, and current time.


    • config: {
          forceRefresh?: boolean;
          now?: Date;
      } = {}

      Optional configuration object with current date and a boolean to force refresh.

      • Optional forceRefresh?: boolean
      • Optional now?: Date

    Returns string

    The full header as a string.

  • Gets the agent's summary, which includes the agent's name, age, traits, and a summary of the agent's core characteristics. The summary is updated periodically through probing the agent's memories.


    • Optional config: {
          forceRefresh?: boolean;
          now?: Date;

      Optional configuration object with current date and a boolean to force refresh.

      • Optional forceRefresh?: boolean
      • Optional now?: Date
    • Optional runManager: CallbackManagerForChainRun

      Optional CallbackManagerForChainRun instance.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The agent's summary as a string.

  • Invoke the chain with the provided input and returns the output.


    • input: ChainValues

      Input values for the chain run.

    • Optional config: BaseCallbackConfig

      Optional configuration for the Runnable.

    Returns Promise<ChainValues>

    Promise that resolves with the output of the chain run.

  • Parses a newline-separated string into a list of strings.


    • text: string

      The string to parse.

    Returns string[]

    An array of strings parsed from the input text.

  • Parameters

    • inputs: Record<string, unknown>
    • outputs: Record<string, unknown>
    • returnOnlyOutputs: boolean = false

    Returns Promise<Record<string, unknown>>

  • Parameters

    • input: any
    • Optional config: BaseCallbackConfig | Callbacks

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Summarizes memories that are most relevant to an observation.


    • observation: string

      The observation to summarize related memories for.

    • Optional runManager: CallbackManagerForChainRun

      Optional CallbackManagerForChainRun instance.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The summarized memories as a string.

  • Load a chain from a json-like object describing it.


    Returns Promise<BaseChain<ChainValues, ChainValues>>

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