Array of chains to run as a sequence. The chains are run in order they appear in the array.
Defines which variables should be passed as initial input to the first chain.
Which variables should be returned as a result of executing the chain. If not specified, output of the last of the chains is used.
returnWhether or not to return all intermediate outputs and variables (excluding initial input variables).
Run the core logic of this chain and add to output if desired.
Wraps _call and handles memory.
config: BaseCallbackConfig | CallbacksOptional
tags: string[]Invoke the chain with the provided input and returns the output.
Input values for the chain run.
config: BaseCallbackConfigOptional configuration for the Runnable.
Promise that resolves with the output of the chain run.
Return a json-like object representing this chain.
deserializeLoad a chain from a json-like object describing it.
Generated using TypeDoc
Chain where the outputs of one chain feed directly into next.